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Dev Guide - Release components

This guide describes how to release a new version of OPCT considering all the project dependencies.

Plugins images

Development builds

Create images to test locally:

make images

To build images individually, you can use, for example for a single arch:

PLATFORMS=linux/amd64 make build-plugin-tests

Take a look into individual targets for each program in the Makefile.

The script responsible to build images locally is Get started there if you want to explore more about the build pipeline.

Production builds

Images for production are automatically created by the build pipeline ci.yaml when:

  • a push in the main branch, the latest image will be published in the image registry
  • a tag is created from any release-v*, the same tag will be published in the image registry

The production images are built by default for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64 in the same manifest for the following components: