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OPCT Documentation (this site)


OPCT documentation uses mkdocs for static site generation.

Source Code

The website is located in the docs/ directory of the opct repository.


This site is based on @material theme, with customizations defined under the theme section in the mkdocs.yaml file under the root directory of the repository.

The left menu is configured in the nav section of mkdocs.yaml.

Diagrams as code

mkdocs plugins are defined under the plugins section in mkdocs.yaml.

Using diagrams

You can write diagrams as code using the Python language with the library diagrams, the Python file must be located in the docs/ directory and have the suffix

The image defined in filename can be used directly in your markdown file; it is rendered when the site is built or served locally.

For example, define the image name in the filename attribute of your Diagram in a file docs/diagrams/

with Diagram("OCP/OKD Cluster", show=False, filename="./cluster-example"):

The image docs/diagrams/cluster-example.png when you run mkdocs build or mkdocs serve.

You can reference the image in your markdown file docs/diagrams/, such as:

![OCP Cluster Reference](./cluster-example.png)


You also can draw diagram as a code with Mermaid.js directly in markdown files.

The mkdocs plugins diagrams enables native support for Mermaid.js diagrams.

Material for MkDocs will automatically initialize the JavaScript runtime when a page includes a mermaid code block


Articles/Guides are located in docs/guides in *.md files.


We use GitHub Pages as static website hosting and CD.

GitHub deploys the website to production after merging anything to a main branch.

Local Testing

Install mkdocs and dependencies.


pip install -r docs/requirements.txt
mkdocs serve

And navigate to http://localhost:8000 after successful build. There is no need to restart mkdocs server almost for all changes as it supports hot reload. Also, there is no need to refresh a webpage as hot reload updates changed content on the open page.

Website Build

To do it run:

make build-docs