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BYO Plugin


BYO Plugin on OPCT is experimental and non-supported. If you want to explore, take a look at the Sonobuoy Plugins documentation, and the command wrapper opct sonobuoy.

Customize Plugins

In some situations, you may need to modify the plugins that are run by the OPCT.

< Running the OPCT with customized plugin manifests cannot be used for final validation of an OpenShift cluster!

If you find issues or changes that are needed to complete, please open a GitHub issue or reach out to your Red Hat contact assisting with validation process.


  1. Export default plugins to local filesystem:
    $ ./opct assets /tmp
    INFO[2022-06-16T15:35:29-06:00] Asset openshift-conformance-validated.yaml saved to /tmp/openshift-conformance-validated.yaml 
    INFO[2022-06-16T15:35:29-06:00] Asset openshift-kube-conformance.yaml saved to /tmp/openshift-kube-conformance.yaml 
  2. Make your edits to the exported YAML assets:
    vi /tmp/openshift-kube-conformance.yaml
  3. Launch the tool with customized plugin:
    ./opct run --plugin /tmp/openshift-kube-conformance.yaml --plugin /tmp/openshift-conformance-validated.yaml